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Special Design Toilet/Lavatory Cubicle – Jibpool

The need for special design toilet cubicle and lavatory cubicle in your business

Jibpool offers special design toilet/lavatory cubicle for all occasions, from commercial to public, healthcare to schools. Our one-stop solution fulfills all your needs in building the hygienic and unique cubicles.

The look and feel of your bathroom say a lot about the person you are and how you live. The same goes for your public restrooms. The design of your washroom might take a bit of planning and will have a major effect on your business. There are many reasons to ensure the look and feel of your washroom is a comfortable one. A well designed lavatory cubicle will bring ease to workers and clients alike and it will boost the image of your brand.

Necessary guidelines

There are certain guidelines that must be met when designing a public facility and the washroom in your business is a public facility. The three major features that your lavatory cubicle must have is safety, hygienic and it must be done to suit your workers who will be using the facility. When you are designing a public facility, you must be sure to incorporate provisions for the disabled. Even if the design is done at a time that doesn’t require it, all public and business facilities should provide access for the disabled at the same level of regular people.

It is important that your special design toilet cubicle is equipped with the necessary extras to suit the needs of the disabled. The washroom needs to have the right number of stalls, basins and urinal that is adequate for all your employees that will be utilizing the facilities. The size of your washroom is dependent on the size of your staff.

The Basic facilities

The basic facilities should always be available in your lavatory cubicle. These include soap, hot and cold running water, enough paper towels or the installation of a good hand dryer and there must be a suitable way for female workers to properly dispose of feminine products such as sanitary products. You should always consider installing lockers for the benefit of your workers. A properly designed washroom will make your workers feel comfortable. If your washroom is designed in an attractive environment, it will be something positive for your workers in terms of employee engagements. When a work environment is comfortable to workers they feel more appreciated and this will improve the quality of work they produce.

A proper washroom will not only impress the workers, but it will also make a good impression on clients and potential clients. There are many businesses that opt for a washroom designed to resemble that of a home and less of a business washroom. You have to be keen on the color scheme that is used to design your washroom. The right color can have that positive effect you are looking for and the wrong color has the ability to do the complete opposite. There are many designs you can get for your public washroom and many special design toilet cubicle available to you but you need to make sure you select the right set for your washroom that will have a positive effect on your workers, visitors and your clients. First impressions last and no one wants to present a dirty and unkempt washroom to potential clients.

Lavatory Solution

Our Lavatory Solutions focus on user experience and visual effects, with a wide range of configurations and finishing options to match each specific design theme. With our extensive experience and strive to discover new technology, we keep on enhancing our self-developed ironmongery, as well as creating the innovative smart system and building management system.